The Ironia Fire Company was formed in 1948 by a group of civic minded men from the community. On August 8th, 1948 the first set of by-laws were passed by the township committee and the group became officially recognized as Randolph Chemical Engine Company No. 4 with Valentine Huhn as it’s first chief.
Jump to a decade: 1950’s – 1960’s – 1970’s – 1980’s – 1990’s – 2000’s
At a price of $600 dollars, the men purchased the company’s first piece of apparatus from the Millburn Fire Department, a 1923 American LaFrance. The first home of the Ironia Fire Company was Manning’s Barn off Pleasant Hill Road, this non-practical location only lasted a short time. By 1948 the need for a home for the company’s engine was solved by only one solution, construction began on the Ironia Firehouse on Dover-Chester Road across from Park Avenue. Construction on the firehouse continued until mid-year of 1949. The new firehouse had 3 engine bays, a kitchen, and a meeting room. 1951 marked the purchase of the company’s second engine, a 1923 Hale for $900 dollars. Shortly thereafter, in 1952, the township purchased a brand new 1,000 gallon International Tanker to fill the remaining bay.
In May of this year a Welfare Fund was established with the purpose of providing assistance to sick or incapacitated firemen and providing a death benefit to the families of deceased members. The Red Letter Drive topped the $2,000 mark with $18 to spare and the Township contributed it’s usual $500. The first recorded annual dinner was held in December at the church community hall with a dance following at the firehouse.
The American LaFrance finally reached the the limit of it’s usefulness and was sold as junk for $75. To fill the vacated bay, the Company purchased a 1944 Chevrolet 1944 Chevrolet from the Lake Hiawatha Fire Department for $1,000. The Ladies Auxiliary helped with a $500 donation. In addition, furniture and equipment was donated by the Harrison Fire Department. For a mere $50, a used siren was purchased from the Netcong firemen to replace an unsatisfactory one located in the “hollow”. Administratively, fire drill, Company meeting and Association nights were established.
The association expanded its community activities by agreeing to become the sponsoring organization for an Ironia Boy Scout Troop. The company rendered assistance to West Trenton during their flood and was gratefully promised assistance in return if ever needed. A thorough survey was conducted of all sources of water within the fire district including ponds, brooks, swimming pools, and the Black River. Access routes for “drafting” were studied. It was decided to use the Chevrolet first for brush fires, followed by the Hale. For structure fires, the tanker would roll first. With some gentle urging from the membership, the town fathers increased their maintenance allowance to $750.
This year marked the passing of the Hale pumper. It was sold in Montville as junk for $ 125. The ladders brought in an additional $15. To replace the Hale, a 1945 open cab Ford pumper was purchased from Rainbow Lakes for $750. In other financial matters, an old shuffleboard was sold for $30 and the township again provided $750 for maintenance. However, the Red Letter collection concluded with a disappointingly low $1,500 total of receipts.
The major improvements in 1957 included Scott Air Packs (self-contained breathing apparatus), a sound amplifier system, and a game table. Grounds at the north side of the firehouse were cleared, a retaining wall was installed and shrubbery was planted. To offset these expenses, a “bullshoot” was held, which earned $350 and fire extinguishers were sold to local residents. The Red Letter drive netted $1,731 and the township raised its maintenance allowance to $1,000.
The formal sponsorship by the Association of Boy Scout Troop 51 became a reality after much planning and organizing. Bylaws for the Fire Company, Firemen’s Association and Welfare Fund were revised and accepted. The concept of Fire Wardens to assist in traffic management during fire calls was inaugurated and three wardens were sworn into service. A suggestion was received from the Lion’s Club for the formation of an Ironia Rescue Squad. The club offered to donate an ambulance, however it was decided that insufficient manpower was available to assume this added responsibility and the offer was regretfully declined. For the first time, Santa Clause visited the children of the district on a fire truck and distributed Christmas stockings with candy and goodies on December 21. The treasury now contained a sufficient surplus to start a savings account with $ 1,500.
Improvements were made both in equipment and real estate. Two one-way portable Motorola radios, a new fire siren, house stickers for bed-ridden patients and racks for fire coats, boots and helmets upgraded the effectiveness of the Company to respond to emergencies. A new lawn mower, exhaust fan, more shrubbery for the grounds and a stairwell enclosure for the storage of gas and oil improved the home station. The old Homelight generator was sold for $133. In October, an old-timers’ night was held in honor of present and former members who had done so much for the organization. At Christmas time, Santa again made his rounds on the fire truck distributing 690 stockings.
This year marked the 25th anniversary of the Randolph Township Fire Department. A Company flag was purchased and used in the celebration parade on August 6th. The marchers from all three companies were resplendent in new regulation uniforms purchased for their members by each company for $50 per uniform. The summer of ’60 also marked the start of annual family picnics on the firehouse grounds with food and fun for young and old. The Red Letter drive was disappointing with only $1,642 collected. In addition it was discovered that the old Ford truck was in need of $1,100 worth of repairs, so it was suspended from service.
Because the repair of the Ford was uneconomical, it was sold as junk for $100. The ladders brought in an extra $25. Plans were made to clear the area on the north side of the firehouse to provide more parking space. Discussions were also held concerning the corner lot opposite the firehouse which was up for sale at $8,000 for 1.25 acres. All charter members were presented with a life membership in the Association. On his annual visit, Santa distributed 750 stockings to the children when he made his rounds in December.
With one bay empty, the firemen began negotiations with the Township for a new pumper. In October, a wetdown was held for a new 500-gallon capacity Young on an International Chaisis, bringing the apparatus strength to three vehicles again. This year also marked the adoption of the Fire Department Ordinance establishing a Fire Prevention Bureau. Back at the firehouse, an air compressor and an air horn were installed to provide an emergency alarm system in case of power failure of the electrically operated siren system. An exterior stairway was added at the north side of the building and the entire property was resurveyed. Robert Crowley offered to sell his property south of the firehouse for $8,000
On January 15, the Morris County Fire Chiefs’ Association was organized in Madison with Randolph Fire Department participation. Sponsorship of Boy Scout Troop 51 was transferred to the Presbyterian Church since there was more room available for scout activities in their meeting hall. A new roof was installed on the firehouse to replace the original roof, now 15 years old, and a battery charger and shop vacuum cleaner were purchased. From a house count of 509 houses in the district, the Red Letter brought in $1,746.
This year heralded the advent of a silent alarm system (Plectron radios) in the Township. The system became operational June 24. Also in June, six members of the Company spent a weekend as working guests of the Newark Fire Department. This unique on-the-job training with professionals provided invaluable experience to the participants. To earn more money for the Association, the members sponsored the Garden State Horse Show in Randolph. A new trophy case was purchased from the Dover Cabinet Shop. The Red Letter brought in only $1,572 and the Township again contributed $1,000 maintenance allowance. Santa Claus gave out 860 stockings on his Christmas visit.
In this busy year, a 16-year-old water pump was replaced and additional repairs were made to the roof. New toilets were installed, drain lines extended and the front apron was paved to the shrubbery. Heart attack insurance coverage was provided and the Ladies Auxiliary was included in the liability insurance policy. A softball team was organized and equipped. Expenditures were adequately covered by a resoundingly successful $2,521 Red Letter collection and an increase by the Township to $ 1,500 for Building maintenance. In addition, a lawsuit was filed against radio station WRAN by the fire companies and rescue squads for abrogating equipment agreements when the station proposed to locate in Randolph. Two routes were used for the annual Santa Claus visit in order to cover the entire district in one day.
The major event of 1966 was the initiation of an expansion of the firehouse to provide a fourth truck bay at street level and one-third more space on the meeting room level. The Township inaugurated its own dispatching system with a 30-watt transmitter. A fire alarm system was installed in the firehouse to give automatic warning if a fire broke out in the structure. Social events included a rummage sale, a visit to the Anheuser-Busch brewery in Newark and the start of attempts to obtain a raffle license. Santa’s routes covered 742 homes in the fire district.
Police headquarters replace its undersized transmitter with a new 100-watt unit for dispatching emergency calls. In September, a joint celebration was held in Ironia to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the Company, the dedication of the new addition to the firehouse and the wetdown of a newly acquired Young pumper. The Company instituted as standard practice sending one truck to auto accident scenes. A raffle number finally was obtained and a pool table was purchased. The Red Letter collection increased to $2,737 from the 758 homes in the district. Santa distributed 980 stockings of candy.
As a result of the lawsuit against WRAN, the Company received $1,213 as its share of the total reward. The first raffle under the new raffle license netted a profit of $975. The Red Letter brought in a record $2,786 and the Township added its $1,500 maintenance to make the year financially highly successful. Civil disturbances in Newark resulted in the Company being called out twice to stand by in the event of need. It was agreed that in the future one truck with eight men would be dispatched to Livingston in order to place the standby crew closer to the scene of possible action.
In order to better service the fire trucks, the Gulf Oil Corporation donated a gasoline storage tank and pump for the firehouse. Building improvements included a new septic system and the installation of an acoustical ceiling in the meeting room. The Association agreed to grant life membership to any member with 20 years of continuous service. Welfare death benefits were increased an additional $50. A second raffle and a pancake breakfast added to the Red Letter collection of $2,498 and the Township maintenance allowance of $2,000. However, collectively this did not offset the $7,689 of expenses for the year. Santa Claus delivered 1,100 gift boxes of candy to the children at Christmas time.
Because of the continued problems in financing the operations of the fire companies, The Township was requested to include an item in the budget to replace the annual voluntary collection drives by each company. After considerable negotiation, the town fathers were finally convinced that community fire protection equally available to all residents should be equally supported by all residents, not just those who might feel so inclined. Annual fund drives were therefore discontinued in 1970 and replaced with the municipal financing of the department. In the spring heavy rains and flooding beset the area and all companies spent many hours responding to more than 80 requests for pumping out the basements of inundated residents. New fluorescent type invalid stickers were distributed in the fire district. Electric door openers were installed on two of the four truck bays and the interior of the firehouse was repainted. Santa Clause made his usual visit and distributed almost 1,200 boxes of candy.
Past Chief William Appleby was nominated as the Ironia Fire Company’s “Fireman of the Year” for the Schaefer Brewing Company’s award banquet. He received an inscribed plaque and gift in recognition of his outstanding service to the community. Improvements for the year included electric door openers for the remaining two truck bays, a color TV set for the meeting room and re-landscaping of the grounds surrounding the firehouse. Social events included a father-son trip to a baseball game at Shea Stadium and a pancake breakfast. Santa Claus once again distributed close to 1,200 boxes of candy at Christmas time.
This heralded a celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Ironia Fire Company. Russ Deats authored a booklet “25 Years of Sirens, Smoke, Safety and Service.” The year also featured a father-son baseball game at Shea Stadium and a pancake breakfast. Santa distributed 980 boxes of candy on his annual Christmas tour of Ironia.
In January a fire destroyed The MacArthur Military Academy on Brookside Road, the Temperature was around zero and everything quickly froze. One of our members was severely injured in a fall off an icy roof. February brought several fires at the old Ackerman’s Hotel Complex, again the weather was very cold. Also during February an unhappy resident took a chain saw to the pole that held our Fire Siren in the field off Park Avenue, the Siren was then relocated directly adjacent to the road. Another attempt was made to cut it down but that one failed. During the year we had several fires at the old Ackerman’s Hotel Complex. Two pancake breakfasts were held to augment fund raising. A new siren was installed at the firehouse. The last Spring Dance was held. A father-son baseball game at Shea Stadium was among the social events. There were 20 drills and 100 fire calls this year. Santa gave away 800 boxes of candy on his annual Ironia tour.
To further augment fund raising, the paper drive was initiated this year. This drive was the first recycling event in Randolph, and was the start of what now is a major effort by Randolph Township. Members attended the groundbreaking for the Morris County Firefighters and Police Training Academy, one of the finest institutions in New Jersey. Two pancake breakfasts were held. Santa distributed 650 boxes of candy on his annual Ironia tour.
Ironia responded to assist Chester when a gasoline taker overturned and caught fire in the middle of Chester. Two pancake breakfasts were scheduled, but only one could be held because the firehouse well was found to be contaminated with gasoline. The Company decided that the 1944 Chevy was deemed to be near the end of its useful life and plans were made to replace it. Santa distributed 800 boxes of candy on his annual tour of Ironia.
This year was marked by two major fires, the Darren Scott Inn on route 10 and the Final Exam on Sussex Turnpike. The paper drive was very successful this year. The firehouse water was connected to the Township MUA water supply and one pancake breakfast was held.
The 1944 Chevy was taken out of service and a new Mack pumper was designed. The paper drive continued to be successful. Another baseball game at Shea Stadium was attended in August.
The 1,000 GPM Mack pumper arrived and a wetdown was held in May. The Mack immediately was pressed into use at major fires at Ackerman’s Hotel on Calais Road, The Twilight on Hanover Avenue, and the Roxbury Mall.
This year was marked by a very tragic fire that took the lives of the entire Lindsey family on Dover-Chester Road.
The large Pavilion at Harbor Hills Day Camp was consumed by a very fast moving fire. The extreme heat from the blaze caused some minor damage to our 78 Mack and major damage to Engine 31. We emptied both of their large swimming pools fighting the blaze as there where no hydrants in the area. The Junior Firefighters program was started. The Dodge Power Wagon stationed at Millbrook was reassigned to Company four to replace the Chevy and renumbered 32-44.
Social events included a trip to Atlantic City.
The Association had a mortgage-burning party open to the public to celebrate paying off the mortgage on the addition to the old firehouse. The Randolph Township Fire Department celebrated its 50th Anniversary with a gala parade that include the Budweiser Clydesdale horses, the Marine Corps Band and more than two dozen neighboring fire departments.
Two young people perished in a house fire on Nuco Terrace in Mt. Freedom. This year marked the 25th year that Santa has toured Ironia on our Fire Apparatus. The paper drive was taken over by the Township this year.
A Man and a Woman from two separate families both lost their lives in a fire on Gristmill Road. We also responded with a Pumper, our Power Wagon and our Boat to Wayne Township to assist with the severe flooding that had occurred along the Passaic River. A Truck Committee was formed to design a replacement for the 1962 Young. The committee recommended a Tanker Type Apparatus but that was rejected by the Fire Dept. Board of Engineers, so a Mini-Pumper Type Truck was designed.
A Pierce mini-pumper was received to replace the 1962 Young machine. The 1944 Chevy was raffled off. Two pancake breakfasts were held.
A wetdown for the Pierce Mini-Pumper was held for the community in the afternoon and neighboring fire departments in the night.
The Fire Company was feeling real growing pains, and plans were started to pursue a new firehouse. A Structural Engineer had been hired and he indicated that the Engine Room floor would not hold the added weight of the new and heavier Fire Apparatus.
Plans were started in earnest for a new firehouse, and the property near Calais and Dover-Chester Road was acquired. To finance the new firehouse, the Red Letter drive was reinstated. Santa made his 30th visit to the Ironia Fire District this year.
Work began in earnest on the new firehouse. The old firehouse was sold to the Morris County Municipal Utilities Authority and ground was broken on the new firehouse site on August 26. The Red Letter drive continued, and four pancake breakfasts were held to raise money. Santa gave out 596 boxes of candy on his annual visit to Ironia.
We moved into the new firehouse in February, an event that was capped by the parade of the shuffleboard table being moved down Dover-Chester Road on a small trailer with many of our members supporting the part of the table that was hanging over the rear of the trailer. The first pancake breakfast at the new firehouse was held on April 22, the first of four to be held this year. A new Pierce 1500 GPM pumper was designed to replace the 1967 Young. A fast moving fire consumed a barn on Doby Road. Fortunately all the animals got out okay.
The Pierce pumper arrived, and a new Ford brush truck was designed to replace the aging 1964 Dodge Power Wagon. This year also marked the demise of Saltz’s Hotel after its final fire. We spent many, many hours putting the finishing touches on the interior of our new building. Many more hours were dedicated to landscaping the exterior.
We were called upon to assist Mendham Twp. at a fire in very large house in the Ralston area. In May, a house under going renovations on Park Ave. at Corwin St. suffered severe damage from a fire. This was the year that the Fire Department started to switch over to 5” diameter hose for supply lines. The brush truck arrived and was numbered 32-44, replacing the Dodge Power Wagon. A gala wetdown for the building, the Pierce and the brush truck was held in August. Four pancake breakfasts were held. The Association was able to purchase the 1964 Dodge from the Township for $1.00. It is kept for it’s antique value and to be used in Parades and shows.
The Association held four pancake breakfasts. Country Line dances were instituted as another fund raiser. As a means to generate additional income we started renting our Hall to the general public for social events and meetings.
This year the Fire Department replaced all Scott Air Packs with new one hour capacity units. Our 1978 Mack was refurbished. The body and tank were replaced. The rear of the cab was enclosed and two doors were added along with two fold down seats. We were called to assist Roxbury in their Berkshire Valley area where a Tornado had caused much damage. Late in the year we remodeled our Hall with a new coat of paint, new carpet and a “chair rail’ was added to the walls. The Firehouse was used as a shelter during a blizzard in December. Cots were set up for sleeping and our kitchen was used to prepare meals.
We where called to assist Roxbury at a major fire at the Kenvil Shopping Plaza on Route 46. At the request of the Rescue Squad, the Fire Department started to supply drivers for the ambulances when their manpower was low. Companies 2 & 4 held a joint wet down for the refurbished 78 Mack and the new Engine 32-21.
A committee was formed within the Department to evaluate various types of Aerial Ladder Trucks to see which type might best suit the needs of the Township.
The year was marked by two major fires, the Scarpa residence on Park Avenue and a two family house on Sussex Turnpike near the Road Garage. Our Ladies Auxiliary raised some funds and purchased Blankets for each of the resident Firefighters at the Firemen’s Home in Boonton. We gladly assisted them in the delivery of the blankets to the Home and it was a good chance for us to visit with some of the residents. The Fire Department decided that the best place to house a new Ladder Truck would be at Company 4, so a Truck Committee was formed to spec out an appropriate apparatus.
In March we were called to assist Roxbury to help fight the fire at Wickes Lumber on Route 10. On Saturday, July 25th, a gala open house was held for the entire Ironia Community to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the Fire Company. In early 1998 the Truck Committee located a used 85 foot Tower Ladder that was for sale by the Ladder Manufacturer. A set of specifications was drawn up and the truck was completely refurbished and placed into service at Company 4 in October. This refurbished truck saved the Township almost $300,000 over the cost of a new unit. The 1985 Pierce Mini Pumper was transferred to Co. #5. This year marked the 40th year that we have brought Santa around on a Fire Truck to visit all the children in Ironia.
In June Ladder 43 got it’s real first use at a fire in the old A&P Building which was being torn down. The Millbrook Barn Restaurant burned in December and Ladder 43 again saw a lot of use. The Fire Department established a F.A.S.T. (Firefighter Assistance Search Team), as required by OSHA. Several members of Company 4 are part of this team. Also funds were solicited from all owners of business properties to help in the purchase of Thermal Imaging Cameras for the Department. Hosting birthday parties for young children that includes a Fire prevention program was begun this year. The year ended on a tragic note when a resident of Sharon Street took her own life in a fire on New Years Eve.
Through the generosity of many business property owners the Department was able to purchase two Thermal Imaging Cameras, one of which was assigned to Company 4. As a way to say Thank You to our Ladies Auxiliary for all of their help we treated them to a “Ladies Night” show at the Evergreen in Mountain Lakes. In March a major Fire at the Randolph Village Appartment Complex destroyed 12 units and damaged several others. On December 23rd a home on Roberts Road was heavily damaged by a Christmas Tree Fire that literally put itself out. No one was at home when the tree ignited consuming all available oxygen and then the fire went out. Heat and smoke damage was extensive destroying the contents of the living room and all their Christmas gifts.
In late March a fast moving fire totally destroyed the main building at the Harbor Hills Day Camp on Doby Road. There also was a very serious house fire on Bragman Road that apparently started in the mulch around the rear deck. 2001 was also marked by the horror of the Terrorist attacks of September 11th. While some Morris County Departments where called into NYC to assist and others to standby on the Jersey side of the river, Randolph was assigned the duty of standing by at home to cover for those Departments that had been moved up towards the city. In October the Department sponsored a Pancake Breakfast for the benefit of the Widows and Children’s Pension Fund for FDNY. We raised almost $11,000 which was personally delivered to Engine 201 in Brooklyn by some of our members. Once again we treated our Ladies Auxiliary to a show at the Evergreen.
A new UHF Repeater Type Radio system was put into service for the Fire Department. The new system greatly improved our communication capabilities and it gave us several different frequencies to use at fire scenes. A bus trip to Atlantic City was held in the spring and our Ladies Auxiliary again went to The Evergreen for a Dinner and show. For the 45th consecutive year we arranged to have Santa visit all the children in Ironia, we also arranged to take Santa Claus to the NJ State Firemen’s Home in Boonton to assist our Ladies Auxiliary in distributing flannel shirts to all of the resident firefighters. We entered into an agreement with Sprint to construct and operate a Cellular Telephone Tower on our property. The Tower has the appearance of a large flag pole (standing at 140′) and a very large American Flag is flown on it 24/7.
And we once again arranged for Santa to visit the Firemen’s Home to assist our Ladies Auxiliary. Bus trips to Atlantic City and to a NJ Devils Hockey game were enjoyed by our members. Our Ladies were once again treated to a Dinner and Show at the Evergreen. All new electronic door locks were installed throughout the Firehouse for added security. Also a wooden stockade type fence was installed along the north property line to form a buffer along the rear yards of our new neighbors.
We answered a record 223 calls this year. On Memorial Day weekend a gas explosion and fire at the Canfield Mews Apartment Complex destroyed several units in one building. Fortunately there were no injuries as many residents were away for the long weekend. A committee was formed to spec out a replacement for our 1978 Mack Pumper. The entire Parking Lot and Driveway area was crack sealed and Seal Coated. This year in addition to the bus trip to Atlantic City a trip was arranged to the Circus at the Meadowlands. We established the Ironia Firemen’s Memorial Scholarship Fund, each year a $4000 scholarship, payable at $1000 per year for 4 years will be awarded to a deserving, graduating High School Senior. A very successful Fire Prevention Open House was held in October. It was very well attended by our residents.
This year the total Fire Calls increased even more to 250. Two elderly residents escaped a fast moving fire in their house on Mountainside Drive on July 4th by tying bed sheets together and lowering themselves from their bedroom window. In October, the American LaFrance 1500 GPM Pumper was placed in service and the 78 Mack was retired. Once again we went by bus to Atlantic City and to the Circus at the Meadowlands. Our October Fire Prevention Open House was a success despite the rainy day. We sponsored a Pancake Breakfast and a 50-50 Drawing with the proceeds being donated to the Fontainebleau Volunteer Fire Department in Ocean Springs, MS. Their Department lost several pieces of Apparatus and all of their gear and equipment in Hurricane Katrina.
The total number of Fire Calls for 2006 saw another large increase up to 320 for the year. Early in the year we started to plan for a 20 foot addition to the rear of the Firehouse. It would make our Hall slightly larger and give us some much needed storage space. By years end we were still trying to get Final approval from the Township. We awarded another four year Scholarship to a deserving graduate of Randolph High School. The Ladies Auxiliary sponsored Easter Egg Hunt was very well attended and we took our annual trip to Atlantic City. May 1st was one of our busiest days in recent memory with two major structure fires reported in a six hour period. The first call was to 49 Quail Run at about 2 PM. The house was fully involved upon our arrival and due to the strong winds we could not enter the structure and nothing could be saved. At about 8 PM, while still extinguishing hot spots at Quail Run, we received a call for a working structure fire at 21 Springhill Road, in the Shongum section. At about 1 AM we were able to leave Spring Hill Road and return to Quail Run to check for more hot spots and we returned there again at 7 AM. We had help from many neighboring Departments on both fires, in July we were called to assist the Mine Hill Fire Department at an explosion and fire at a Nail Polish Factory on Iron Mtn. Road in their town. Our annual picnic was held in August and it was enjoyed by all who attended. In September we attended the services held at the Morris County 9-11 Memorial on West Hanover Ave. commemorating the Fifth Anniversary of the 9-11 terrorists attack on our Country. Our Fire Prevention Open House in October was very well attended by the public and we assisted with the fire prevention programs presented at many of the schools in Randolph. In the month of December we fought a fire in a house at 5 Morey Lane. The fire apparently started in the two car garage located under the house and burned upward through the kitchen area causing major damage to the stricture. We once again assisted Santa on his annual visit to Ironia and we traveled with the Ladies Auxiliary over to the N.J. State Firemen’s Home in Boonton to help distribute Christmas gifts to the men residing there.
We got a slight break this year with only 332 Fire Calls compared to our all time high of 350 last year. Plans for the new addition had been finalized and approved by the Township and construction was started in February. The construction took much longer than expected and by years end it was not finished. On February 9th the Fire Department responded to a total of 20 calls. Eighteen of these alarms occurred in a 1&1/2 hour period during a severe storm, fortunately only one of the calls turned out to be an actual Fire in a residence which did moderate damage. Once again we awarded a four year Scholarship to a deserving Randolph High School Senior and our Ladies Auxiliary had another very successful Easter Egg Hunt. A Committee was formed to look into the replacement of Ladder 43. The truck was built in 1982 and had been completely refurbished in 1998 when we purchased it. In June we answered what turned out to be a small, but very difficult Fire to extinguish. There was a report of smoke coming from a loaded moving van at 111 Canfield Ave. The Fire was traced to an electronic device in the center of the load. Its batteries had overheated causing other contents to begin smoldering. Holes had to be cut in the trailer to evacuate the smoke and a good portion of the contents had to be unloaded. Mine Hill and Roxbury were called to provide extra manpower. In July we were called to assist Mendham Township on a Barn Fire and to Chester for a House fire. A previously owned standby Generator that runs on Natural Gas was installed. It replaced our 37 year old unit that was becoming very unreliable. This year’s picnic held in August was bigger and better than ever. Also in August Company Four hosted a Department/Mutual Aid Drill at the Beta Realty, (Westinghouse), complex on Sussex Turnpike. In September a group of our members made a trip into NYC to Ground Zero to pay their respects to the 343 FDNY Firefighters who lost their lives on 9-11-2001. They visited the FDNY 9-11 Memorial at Fire Station 10 and left flowers at the Memorial. “Ten House” is on Liberty Street directly across from Ground Zero. We must never forget our fallen Brothers. Our Fire Prevention Open House had to be cancelled due to the ongoing construction at our Firehouse. We participated with Company 2 at the Open House held at their Station. It was a very successful event. We took in 7 new Junior Firefighters this year and two of the existing juniors became regular members. At years end we had a corps of 8 Juniors. A new permanent outdoor Information sign was installed in December for use in advertising our fund raisers and other programs. On Sunday, December 13, we assisted the Chester Fire Company at a working structure Fire on Dogwood Lane in their Town. Also in December we called Roxbury and Denville to assist us at a working structure Fire on Sandra Lane. Once again the Ladies Auxiliary took Christmas Gifts to the men at the N.J. State Firemen’s Home in Boonton. Several of our members accompanied and assisted the Ladies with this annual event. This was our 50th year in helping Santa to make his visit to the children in Ironia. This annual event was first begun in 1958 and it has continued every year since. This years Red Letter Drive was very successful due to the generosity of the residents of our Fire District. All in all 2007 was a very interesting year for this Fire Company.